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Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical ~ Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical Restraint in Early America Reviewer Randall Balmer From the earliest centuries of Christianity the issue of the scriptural canon has been a vexed one
Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical ~ David F Holland’s aims in Sacred Borders may at first seem restrained He traces debates among the literate Christian elite in North America over the nature of God from the early colonial period to the Civil War
Sacred Borders David Holland Oxford University Press ~ Sacred Borders vividly depicts the boundaries of the biblical canon as a battleground on which a diverse group of early Americans contended over their differing versions of divine truth
Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical ~ Puritans deists evangelicals liberals Shakers Mormons Catholics Seventhday Adventists and Transcendentalists took distinctive positions on how to define the borders of scripture This book recreates those canonical borderlands reconsiders the colorful figures that occupied them and reflects on their place in the cultural topography of early America
Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical ~ Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical Restraint in Early America By David F Holland New York Oxford University Press 2011 286 pp 6149
Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical ~ Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical Restraint in Early America By David F Holland New York Oxford University Press 2011 viii 286 pp 6500 cloth This volume focuses on the community of discourse in early America that engaged the issues surrounding the canonical boundaries of the Christian scriptures 10
David F Holland Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation ~ David F Holland Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical Restraint in Early America New York Oxford University Press 2011 Reviewed by Randall Balmer F rom the earliest centuries of Christianity the issue of the scriptural canon has been a vexed one Jewish rabbis met at the Council of
Sacred borders continuing revelation and canonical ~ Sacred borders continuing revelation and canonical restraint in early America David F Holland In the minds of her critics Anne Hutchinsons heresies threatened to produce a new Bible Ethan Allen insisted that a revelation that spoke to every circumstance of life would require a Bible
David F Holland Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation ~ In this book David F Holland demonstrates clearly that not only have the American descendants of the Protestant Reformation continued to argue for sola script
Sacred Borders Continuing Revelation and Canonical ~ Such canonical fluidity according to David F Holland a historian formerly at the University of Nevada Las Vegas and now at Harvard Divinity School effectively eroded what he calls the canonical border in the colonial period and the early republic
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